WHITE RIVER MONSTER #2, by Blood Moon Comics on 2/16/22, amps up the threat level and the gore when David’s snooping earns him a one-way ticket to a watery grave.
The Details
- Written by: Keith Rommel
- Art by: Wolfgang Schwandt
- Colors by: Kristal Sayers
- Letters by: Wolfgang Schwandt
- Cover art by: Wolfgang Schwandt (cover A)
- Comic Rating: Mature
- Cover price: $3.99
- Release date: February 16, 2022
The plot thickens, and the blood flows when David finds out what Curiosity did to the cat in WHITE RIVER MONSTER #2. Keith Rommel’s latest entry in the Lovecraft-inspired series gets gory in a hurry while escalating the intrigue surrounding the townsfolk’s relationship with the monster.
When last we left David, he set out on an investigative journey to find evidence of the White River Monster. David found the proof he needed, but the nearby townsfolk stopped David before he could leave with the evidence. Now, David wakes up from a conk on the head to find himself tied to a tree as an offering to the monster. Elsewhere, David’s girlfriend Tammy sets out to find David by following in his footsteps.
As a word of caution for squeamish readers, the monster commits a brutal act of violence that a band-aid can’t fix. If you’re averse to gratuitous displays of gore, you may want to prep yourself in advance before cracking open this comic. On the other hand, gorehounds will love this issue.
What’s great about WHITE RIVER MONSTER #2? Rommel increases on all fronts. You get more monster sightings, more gore, and more intrigue as the townsfolk’s involvement comes into focus. On every level, issue #2 builds and improves on issue #1.
What’s not so great about WHITE RIVER MONSTER #2? After the opening of this issue, it’s pretty clear that David is not the main antagonist, so the plot loses a little bit of direction and purpose. Tammy could be coming in to fill David’s shoes, but it remains to be seen if she becomes the true protagonist or just another in a long string of victims who fall into the same trap.
How’s the art? The art’s good. We’ve reviewed multiple titles showcasing Wolfgang Schwandt’s art, and this series is the best of his work to date. The inks and figure work are generally good, and Schwandt’s panels are decent.
Keep scrolling for a closer look at the covers, or Click Here to jump right to the story description with some spoilers.

[SPOILERS AHEAD – Click here if you just want the score without spoilers]
Check out our WHITE RIVER MONSTER #1 review to see what proof David obtained.
We begin with David coming around after a nasty knock on the head. He’s outside at night and tied to a tree near the river. Marsha and Nick express their condolences to David for what comes next, but their priority is keeping the legend a legend. David will never recover from what comes next.
Later, Tammy searches David’s apartment to find out where he went. Searching his laptop and papers, Tammy figures out David is researching the White River Monster from Arkansas, so she quickly books a flight to go after him.
We conclude the issue with repeated stories, razor-blade smiles, and a watcher in the woods.
Keep scrolling for a closer look at preview images of the internal pages, or Click Here to jump right to the score.

Final Thoughts
(Click this link 👇 to order this comic)
WHITE RIVER MONSTER #2 cranks up the mystery and the gore when the local townsfolk take extreme steps to keep the monster’s presence a secret. Rommel’s tale improves on the first issue at every level, and this comic represents the best we’ve seen of Schwandt’s artwork.
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