TRANSFORMERS #13, by Image Comics & Skybound on 10/9/24, takes a trip back in time to unveil how Starscream became a Decepticon. Meanwhile, M.A.R.S. gets involved in the Cybertronian war.

- Writer: Daniel Warren Johnson
- Artist: Jason Howard
- Colorist: Mike Spicer
- Letterer: Rus Wooton
- Cover Artist: Daniel Warren Johnson, Mike Spicer (cover A)
- Publisher: Image Comics
- Release Date: October 9, 2024
- Comic Rating: Teen
- Cover Price: $3.99
- Page Count: 22
- Format: Single Issue

Analysis of TRANSFORMERS #13:
First Impressions:
Writer Daniel Warren Johnson begins the third arc of the series by unveiling the background of one of Transformers’ most recognizable characters. Transformers #13 doesn’t have the big wow moments to top issue #12, but there’s a lot to like in this issue, and the last scene promises the big Energon crossover is starting to take shape.
Plot Analysis:
When last we left the Autobots and the Decepticons in Transformers #12, the battle raged to stop Shockwave from sending Energon back to a Decepticon stronghold. Cybertron was partially locked in Earth’s orbit via a teleportation ray. The issue ended with Alita trying to trap Optimus and Cliffjumper on Cybertron, Shockwave dead (maybe), and an explosion that sent a chunk of Cybertron into Earth’s oceans.
In Transformers #13, we begin with a refresher that Soundwave took over the Decepticons after brutally defeating Starscream in personal combat, leaving Starscream’s broken body at the bottom of a ravine. There, Starcream’s dying mind remembers how he was an innocent Cybertronian before the war began.
Oh, we knew we hadn’t heard the last from Starscream after his defeat. Here, Daniel Warren Johnson paints a picture of innocent youth corrupted by the devastation of war to become something twisted and ugly.
The issue flashes back to some years ago. Starscream’s given name is Ulchtar, and he was an idealistic worker who enjoyed hanging out with his friends Jetfire and Genvo. The trio of Cybertronians heard the reports that war and violence were escalating, but Jetfire made plans to leave Cybertron and find his path away from conflict and violence. On this night, the trio heads to Moonbase Two to watch the passing of their celestial patrols, an event that occurs once every two hundred years.
Johnson paints a picture of peace, hope, and optimism as Ulchtar, like his friends, is still caught up in the wonder of life. Even the small Turbosects are a sight to behold for Jetfire, emphasizing the value he places on all life.
Later, Jetfire departs for the stars after a tearful goodbye to his friends. As Ulchtar and Genvo make their way home, they stumble upon a heated battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons. During the fight, Genvo is killed, and from his vantage point, Ulchtar believes the killing shot came from Optimus Prime.
Yes, the setup that turns Starscream from an innocent to a villain is a basic revenge ploy, but it works. The art, as presented, does seem to confirm Optimus Prime killed Genvo, but Genvo picked up a blaster and started firing in the Autobots direction, so the kill shot was justified.
The issue concludes with employees of M.A.R.S. recovering Starscream’s body from the ravine.
Overall, Transformers #13 gives readers a thorough version of Starscream’s origin story that makes him relatable and sympathetic, but not so much that you can forgive his evil ways. Daniel Warren Johnson proves yet again that he knows these characters inside and out.
Artwork and Presentation:
Well, okay. Jorge Corona is off this issue in favor of artist Jason Howard. Does the artwork suffer as a result of Corona’s absence? A little, but not a lot. Howard’s style is not nearly as distinctive or whimsical as Corona’s typical flair, so you get a more traditional-looking Transformers comic. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but Howard’s visuals have a little less personality than you might be accustomed to with this series.
Art Samples:

The Bigger Picture:
Series Continuity:
The big deal development in this issue is the arrival of M.A.R.S. personnel to salvage Starscream’s body. Since this series began, we’ve only seen one G.I. Joe character, and then, only briefly. This issue could be the signal that the long-awaited crossover is picking up steam.
Final Thoughts:
(Click this link 👇 to order this comic)
TRANSFORMERS #13 is an excellent issue that gives readers the background on Starscream’s origin as a Decepticon and signals greater involvement of G.I. Joe moving forward. Daniel Warren Johnson’s script reaffirms how well he knows these characters, and Jason Howard’s guest art is satisfactory.
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