In REDSHIFT #2, available from Scout Comics on September 8th, 2021, Hellener faces the consequences of rejecting his call to lead the next exploration mission. Meanwhile, his replacement makes preparations for launch.
The Details
- Written By: H.S. Tak
- Art By: Brent McKee
- Colors By: Sebastian Cheng
- Letters By: Joel Rodriguez
- Cover Art By: Brent McKee
- Cover Price: $3.99
- Release Date: September 8, 2021
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Was It Good?
I want to like this comic. I really do. All the pieces are there.
You have a Mars colony housing the last of humanity. You have a clandestine mission to send a “worthy” volunteer out into the void to find a new home before Mars becomes totally inhabitable. And you have plenty of emotion and interpersonal conflicts to push the human element.

What’s off about this comic is the facial art and the flow.
The facial art is all over the place when you have scenes between Hellener and his father. Sometimes Hellener’s face is young and smooth, sometimes it looks exactly like his father’s. There were several times I had to read a single page more than once to figure out which character was which.
Aesthetically, the comic looks great, but the inconsistency in the characters’ faces created confusion and frustration.

The more complicated down point is the writing flow.
It’s a good story with plenty of heartfelt moments and human interactions. Where it falls short are the transitions from one scene to the next. The transitions are abrupt and aren’t clearly defined. It was tough to tell when and where you are in any given panel. Sometimes a single scene plays out on a single page and then you’re off to somewhere else without having something to indicate a time change or a location change. It makes the reading experience choppy because you have to reorient yourself frequently.
The art looks great (except for the inconsistent faces) and the overall story is strong (except for the jarring scene transitions), so this arc is holding my attention in spite of its flaws.
What’s It About?
[SPOILERS AHEAD – Click here if you just want the score without spoilers]
Mars holds the last remnants of humanity, and resources are running short. Every few years, a rocket is launched with a carefully selected (mostly volunteer) crew to find another habitable world as a suitable relocation spot. No expedition has ever returned.
Hellener’s mother was captain of the last expedition and the powers that be widely regard Hellener as the best candidate to make the next attempt. Hellener resists accepting the mission as he still feels the pain of losing his mother and the burden of caring for his father and younger brother.

Vera Singh is publicly hailed as the next captain, although she suspects she was selected as a Plan B if Hellener refused. While Vera trains and prepares for the launch, Hellener feels the resentment of his co-workers and other colonists over his “cowardice” for not taking the mission.
When the launch day approaches, Councilman Tiberius learns the government may be secretly hoarding water and other supplies. He concludes the next expedition must succeed and Hellener is their best chance to ensure finding a new home. We conclude the issue with a VERY last-minute offer, Vera making a strange discovery, and a refusal to change course.
Final Thoughts
REDSHIFT #2 crafts a meaningful and emotional space drama set against the backdrop of Mars. Hellener’s journey of doubt and consequences leads him on an uncertain path that’s worth the read. However, the facial art inconsistency and awkward scene transitions mar the reading experience.
Score: 7.5/10
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