N.O.A. #3, from Source Point Press on October 26th, 2022, concludes the attack on NYC as Nimrod’s dragons spread fire and destruction while a nuke in the subways ticks down to Armageddon.
The Details
- Written by: Mikael Bergkvist
- Art by: Mikael Bergkvist
- Colors by: Ibrahim Aydin, Mikael Bergkvist
- Letters by: ComicFirst
- Cover art by: Mikael Bergkvist
- Cover price: $3.99
- Release date: October 26, 2022
Is It Good?
[Editor’s note: After publishing the review, we received word from Mikael Bergkvist that he colored the issue personally due to time constraints. Our comments regarding coloring quality should not be considered a reflection of Ibrahim Aydin’s work. Portions of the review related to coloring have been updated accordingly.]
Wheesh! N.O.A. #3 covers a lot of ground very quickly to wrap up all the dangers and threats before running out of page space. If that sounds like the ending is a bit rushed, you’d be correct. Technically, Mikael Bergkvist gets the story where it needs to go, but it’s a frantic, mildly messy sprint to get there.
First, the positives. This finale, and the series as a whole, puts James Bond’s most over-the-top adventures look like a humdrum police drama. In this issue, you get four dragons burning down the Big Apple, helicopter rescues, fighter jet chases, ticking nuclear time bombs, and knife fights. If you can think of a wild and crazy spy thriller trope, this comic has it times two.
As for the negatives, yes, this comic is rushed. There are so many interconnected plot threads to wrap up the issue presents as a series of “here’s the problem, here’s the immediately dreamed-up solution, and GO!” scenarios. The scenes come at you so rapidly there’s no time to absorb the weight of what’s happening and let the tension build.
Second, the dialog is rough in spots. The voices don’t sound natural, mostly due to a lack of contractions, so you find yourself powering through the dialog.
The art is adequate in this issue. Bergkvist’s line work is good, but Bergkvist’s coloring application appears smudged in spots, giving the visuals a sloppy appearance. You get the impression Bergkvist was as rushed as Bergkvist.
Keep scrolling for a closer look at the covers, or Click Here to jump right to the story description with some spoilers.

What’s It About?
[SPOILERS AHEAD – Click here if you just want the score without spoilers]
Check out our N.O.A. #2 review to find out how Agent White uncovered Nimrod’s plan.
We begin with Agent white sequestering a military helicopter as he believes Nimrod’s only way to escape NYC with stolen loot is by freighter. His instincts are correct, and a squad of Marines converges on the only ship leaving the dock with Nimrod’s stolen loot.
Meanwhile, the military leaders concoct a plan to stop the dragons and the ticking nuclear time bomb in one shot by detonating a nuclear missile high above the city to generate an EMP wave. As the dragons feed and grow on electrical energy, the EMP should knock out the dragons and the bomb.
We conclude the issue with a surreal aerial dogfight, a knife fight, and a gathering of like minds.
Keep scrolling for a closer look at preview images of the internal pages, or Click Here to jump right to the score.

Final Thoughts
(Click this link 👇 to order this comic)
N.O.A. #3 is a crazy, over-the-top ending to a weirdly wild spy thriller… with dragons. The finale wraps up all the loose threads while leaving the door open for more stories. However, wrapping up the high volume of threads makes the issue feel rushed, and the art, especially the coloring, isn’t as clean as it could be.
Related Information
Do dragons still exist?
No, the winged, fire-breathing dragons of myth and legend never have nor currently exist.
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