Nemesis: Rogues Gallery #3, by Dark Horse Comics on 10/2/24, takes the super criminal’s bid to rebuild his empire to new heights when he hijacks specialty weapons in a plan to steal a precious jewel.
- Writer: Mark Millar
- Artist: Valerio Giangiordano
- Colorist: Lee Loughridge
- Letterer: Clem Robins
- Cover Artist: Valerio Giangiordano
- Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
- Release Date: October 2, 2024
- Comic Rating: Mature
- Cover Price: $4.99
- Page Count: 32
- Format: Single Issue

Analysis of Nemesis: Rogues Gallery #3:
First Impressions:
Imagine the campy tone and partner dynamic of Batman ’66. Now, make that vision mature, dark, and gleefully evil. That’s what you get with Nemesis: Rogues Gallery #3. You’re not supposed to root for the bad guys, but writer Mark Millar makes the villains’ exploits so fun that you almost do.
Plot Analysis:
When last we left Nemesis in Nemesis: Rogues Gallery #2, the world’s most evil villain went about his business of rebuilding his empire by taking over (by force, of course) a wealthy businessman’s empire. Simultaneously, Nemesis began training and grooming his new sidekick, Pedro. Meanwhile, the hospital attendant blinded by Nemesis’s men in issue #1 began his training regiment with a group of vigilantes determined to take Nemesis down.
In Nemesis: Rogues Gallery #3, Nemesis gets Pedro up after a long night of partying to keep up the appearance of a rich playboy and his ward. Talking over Albrecht’s holdings gets them in the 7-figure-finance range, but they have a long way to go, starting with the acquisition of high-tech gear.
Mark Millar keeps the spirit of “having fun being evil” at maximum levels through a simple dialog scene that’s as engaging as any action comic. Nemesis uses language like “chum” and “my young ward” to keep the parallels to Batman ’66 front and center, reminding readers how subversive Nemesis can be.
The issue shifts to a rousing mid-air plane-jacking. Nemesis and Pedro infiltrate a cargo plane, kill the crew, and steal the high-tech cargo in a matter of minutes, practically laughing all the way down. What did they steal? Everything from tranquilizer rings to portable earthquake generators for the next stage of their powerplay.
By all accounts, the plane-jacking scene should be criticized as terrible, but somehow, it’s too much fun to draw ire. You don’t know how Nemesis managed to strafe the plane with Uzi fire as he dropped from an unspecified point, which should be an action no-no, but it works.
Later, Nemesis and Pedro accept an invitation to an Environmental Ball where a rare gem will be auctioned for charity. What the super criminals don’t know is that the vigilante group hunting Nemesis is also present and undercover because they know the jewel is too juicy for Nemesis to pass up.
The issue ends with swapping partners, dismemberment, and a hallway collision.
Overall, Nemesis is the comic you love to hate because everyone is having too much fun being evil. Mark Millar makes every phrase of dialog a hoot, and the over-the-top action is surreal in the best way.
Artwork and Presentation:
Valerio Giangiordano’s artwork is perfectly good, especially when Nemesis gives the readers his glare of menace. That said, there are a few spots in this comic where the supporting characters have a stiff, mannequin-like appearance that wasn’t as apparent in the prior issues.
Art Samples:

The Bigger Picture:
Series Continuity:
Nemesis was “almost” killed in last year’s Big Game miniseries. Since then, there have been hints that heroes have become more prevalent, forming new teams. So far, there’s no information to suggest that a superhero, known or new, will show up in this comic, but the possibilities are endless.
Final Thoughts:
(Click this link 👇 to order this comic)
Nemesis: Rogues Gallery #3 makes you feel funny about having fun with evil, but Mark Millar makes it look easy. The writing takes one or two shortcuts to get the reader from A to B, but the journey is so much fun that you don’t mind.
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