KAMEN RIDER ZERO-ONE #4, from Titan Comics on 5/24/23, brings the arc to a close with a desperate battle against Ragnarok that leaves the Kamen Rider completely defenseless.
The Details
- Written by: Brandon Easton
- Art by: Hendry Prasetya
- Colors by: Bryan Valenza
- Letters by: Jame
- Cover art by: Alex Roland (cover A)
- Comic Rating: Teen+
- Cover price: $3.99
- Release date: May 24, 2023

Is It Good?
If you looking for an explosive ending to his Kamen Rider mini-series against an unstoppable foe, KAMEN RIDER ZERO-ONE #4 is as good as it gets. Brandon Easton’s finale cleverly mixes action with smarts and gobs of tension to keep readers guessing until that last possible moment.
When last we left Zero-One, he learned that Ragnarok wasn’t a person but a failsafe protocol that ran amok. Ragnarok’s programming erroneously concluded all other Kamen Riders must be eliminated to protect life on Earth. Now, Zero-One calls down every Progrisekey imaginable to enact a plan that will dissolve Ragnarok for good.
Easton’s finale has everything you want in a Kamen Rider finish. Zero-One activates one Porgrisekey after another, each with increasing power and awesomeness. The villain matches Zero-One blow-for-blow until all hope seems lost. And the battle’s conclusion brings Zero-One to the brink of death. It’s all about the rock ’em sock ’em action, and this issue’s got plenty to spare.
The minor down point is the end of Zero-One’s conflict with Yua and Isamu. Since issue #1, the two have doggedly pursued ousting President Aruto as unfit to be a Kamen Rider, despite his many heroics. By the end, Yua and Isamu change their tune, but Easton doesn’t do much to convince the reader how or why they have a change of heart.
Again, this issue is all about the action, so Hendry Prasetya and Bryan Valenza put in overtime to deliver high-flying kicks, smashing hits, eye-popping Progrisekey power-ups, and more. The figure work and coloring look great, but it’s in the fight choreography where this issue truly shines.
Keep scrolling for a closer look at the covers, or Click Here to jump right to the story description with some spoilers.

What’s It About?
[SPOILERS AHEAD – Click here if you just want the score without spoilers]
Check out our KAMEN RIDER ZERO-ONE #3 review to learn the truth behind Ragnarok’s origin.
We begin with the final fight between Zero-One, Ragnarok, and Izu still in progress. Zero-One threw everything he has at Ragnarok with no effect. Suddenly, an armored transport crashes into Ragnarok. Yua and Isamu leap from the vehicle just before Ragnarok rips it apart. Now, it’s four against one.
Unfortunately, greater numbers aren’t enough, but Zero-One has a plan. In the last issue, Izu noticed a weakness, so Zero-One directs the team to follow him to the nearest hydroelectric plant.
We conclude the issue with upgrades, downgrades, and the hint of more troubles to come.
Keep scrolling for a closer look at preview images of the internal pages, or Click Here to jump right to the score.

Final Thoughts
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KAMEN RIDER ZERO-ONE #4 ends the arc on a high note with fast-paced action, big hits, and explosive fights. All the threads are wrapped up neatly, but the door is open with the promise of more adventures to come.
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