GRIT N GEARS #3, from Blood Moon Comics on 7/19/23, forces Ranger One to accept a new role as a parent when Maggie is left alone after Glorina’s death.
The Details
- Written by: Angel Fuentes
- Art by: Nahuel Sb
- Colors by: Nahuel Sb
- Letters by: Carlos M. Mangual
- Cover art by: Nahuel Sb
- Comic Rating: Teen+
- Cover price: $3.99
- Release date: July 19, 2023

Is It Good?
GRIT N GEARS #3 continues the captivating steampunk western adventure by Angel Fuentes, focusing on Ranger One’s exploits with Maggie while malicious forces gather for revenge. Fuentes captures the essence of a classic Western story with a few surprising moments (possibly involving time distortion) to keep you hooked.
When last we left Ranger One, we learned the heartbreaking circumstances of Maggie’s creation. Glorina used her genius to create an automaton body to house the brain of her dying daughter. When Glorina was fatally wounded by a raiding party, Ranger One raced back to help, but not before Maggie was captured by a band of automaton desperadoes. Now, Ranger One fights to rescue Maggie and care for her as Glorina asked, but old enemies, hearing the news of Ranger One’s return, make ready for payback.
What’s great about this issue? Ranger One kicks automaton butt with all the passion of a father rescuing his daughter. Ranger One’s frustrating montage as a new father taking care of an energetic child is amusing. And a hint about future knowledge could be a massive game-changer for the series.
What’s not so great about this issue? Not much besides the odd nitpick. During the first third of the issue, the automaton desperadoes speak in Spanish, so it would have helped to have a translation to figure out what everyone was saying.
How’s the art? Strange, but in a good way. This is the second issue this week we’ve reviewed with Nahuel Sb on art duties, but this issue is far superior in every aspect of art quality. The character designs are memorable, Sb’s linework is tighter and cleaner, and the colors are excellent. We’re not sure why SB’s art is so much better here than in Hoan of Orcs, but the difference is night and day.
Keep scrolling for a closer look at the covers, or Click Here to jump right to the story description with some spoilers.

What’s It About?
[SPOILERS AHEAD – Click here if you just want the score without spoilers]
Check out our GRIT N GEARS #2 review to find out how Glorina died.
We begin with Ranger One climbing the side of the desperadoes’ walking base. He uses his strength, speed, and prowess with his gun to tear through the villains until he finds Maggie. He carries her away to safety.
Later, Maggie initially resists Ranger One’s fostering, but she eventually begins to follow him to the abandoned mining town of Vesperto as a haven. Elsewhere, Ranger One’s old nemesis, Salamander, receives word about the new father and daughter taking refuge in Vesperto.
We conclude the issue with a pastor’s blessing, future songs, and bloody milk.
Keep scrolling for a closer look at preview images of the internal pages, or Click Here to jump right to the score.

Final Thoughts
(Click this link 👇 to order this comic)
GRIT N GEARS #3 is an unexpectedly heartfelt issue about an automaton learning to become a reluctant parent when he’s given charge of an “orphan.” The parenting montage is amusing, the action is dynamic, and the setup for future conflict is intriguing.
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