G.I. JOE #1, by Image Comics & Skybound on 11/13/24, assembles a new team to counter advanced technological threats when Cobra acquires Energon to upgrade its armies.

- Writer: Joshua Williamson
- Artist: Tom Reilly
- Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
- Letterer: Rus Wooton
- Cover Artist: Tom Reilly (cover A)
- Publisher: Image Comics
- Release Date: November 13, 2024
- Comic Rating: Teen
- Cover Price: $3.99
- Page Count: 40
- Format: Single Issue (Oversized)

Analysis of G.I. JOE #1:
First Impressions:
On the first pass, G.I. Joe #1 is perfectly okay. Readers who’ve bought into the interconnected Energon Universe from Skybound will see the disparate characters coming together with a semi-classic cast of characters, both good and evil. At the same time, the presence of the Transformers continues to grow. That said, writer Joshua Williamson’s first stab at the Real American Heroes doesn’t quite live up to the Larry Hama counterpart, and the opener lacks a wow factor. In short, it’s fine but forgettable.
Plot Analysis:
G.I. Joe #1 begins with a combat skirmish in progress. Duke narrates the introduction of each of his team members as the Joes fly with jetpacks to defeat a swarm of armed combat drones. The fight concludes when Baroness, who was conscripted to join the team after she was forced to defect (see Skybound’s Duke miniseries), nearly crashes due to a defect in her jetpack. G.I. Joe may be assembled, but they aren’t yet a team.
Joshua Willaimson’s opening fight is a smart way to introduce the team members and use efficiently placed data cards to highlight each Joe’s talents. Plus, Baroness’s flame-out highlights the potential for interpersonal conflict among the team, which bodes well for more drama.
In Springfield, Destro unveils his latest weapon upgrade to Cobra Commander. When Energon is applied to a standard infantry rifle, the weapon becomes an energized laser rifle. The demonstration pleases Cobra Commander.
Elsewhere, Flint (We think. The character isn’t named) arrives at an Abu Dhabi casino to confront a wealthy group of arms dealers. After a brief scuffle with the bodyguards, which Flint wins easily, he warns the dealers not to sell to M.A.R.S. before he obeys an alert to return to base.
Williamson takes readers on a trip around the world to level set the goings on of the assorted cast of characters. Cobra continues to use Energon to make every upgrade imaginable in preparation for world domination. That said, it’s unclear why the Abu Dhabi scene exists.
Back at The Pit, Duke assembles the team to brief them on their first mission assigned by Colonel Hawk. Military reports have confirmed a large section of tech belonging to the giant robots crashed in the ocean (see the end of Transformers #12), and the team is tasked with safeguarding a retrieved chunk of the chunk for study.
The issue concludes with Joes playing offense against a Cobra assault in Colorado to claim a chunk of Cybertron.
Overall, G.I. Joe #1 is perfectly fine. Joshua Williamson presents an oversized issue for a standard cover price, which is a cost-effective positive. That said, the issue is mostly introductions and setups that don’t tell you much you didn’t already know if you’re already reading the Energon titles, and the plot lacks any wow moments.
Artwork and Presentation:
We’ve crossed paths with Tom Reilly within multiple publishers, and it’s fair to say Reilly’s style is consistently good. He has a solid handle on the iconic character designs with a slightly modern update, the action is well done, and the net look of the pencils and inks is excellent.
That said, Jordie Bellaire transferred the spectrum-shifted coloring application and harsh saturation used in DC’s Birds of Prey title to here, and the results are, to be frank, subpar. I’ve yet to encounter anyone who liked this coloring style on Birds of Prey, evident by the fact that DC doesn’t use it anymore, so it’s unclear why anyone thought it would be a good idea to apply this coloring style here. Since Ben Abernathy joined Skybound, he seems to have chosen to transfer the least good creative aspects from DC to Skybound, to the imprint’s detriment.
Art Samples:

The Bigger Picture:
Series Continuity:
Image already has an ongoing G.I. Joe title written by the great Larry Hama. Readers confused by how this comic connects to the Hama’s Real American Hero series can rest assured the two titles have nothing to do with each other. This comic functions in a separate, parallel universe, so never the twain shall meet.
Final Thoughts:
(Click this link 👇 to order this comic)
G.I. JOE #1 is a perfectly serviceable start to the Energon Universe’s version of G. I. Joe. Joshua Williamson leans heavily on introductions and setup, which existing Energon readers may find redundant, but the setup works well enough. Tom Reilly’s art is rock-solid, but it’s hindered by Jordie Bellaire’s off-putting coloring style.
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