FIRE AND ICE #3, by Dynamite Comics on 9/18/24, finds the war between Realms heating up when Juliana’s coordinated attack launches. Meanwhile, Prince Nekron receives an uncertain surprise.
- Writer: Bill Willingham
- Artist: Leonardo Manco
- Colorist: Leonardo Manco
- Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry
- Cover Artist: Joseph Michael Linsner (cover A)
- Publisher: Dynamite Comics
- Release Date: September 18, 2024
- Comic Rating: Teen
- Cover Price: $3.99
- Page Count: 24
- Format: Single Issue

Analysis of FIRE AND ICE #3:
First Impressions:
Fire and Ice returns after a 10-month hiatus to find the Realms in all-out war. Bill Willingham’s take on the classic property gives you all the battle action, twists, and turns you can handle for a world at war, even if the long pause between issues is a momentum killer.
Plot Analysis:
When last we left the assorted fantasy players in Fire and Ice #2, Darkwolf fought the dim-witted giant, Otwa, to the death… almost. Meanwhile, Nekron used his brother’s death as the catalyst to convince his mother to assemble the lower tribes into a massive army to attack the Fire Realm.
In Fire and Ice #3, the battles rage on multiple fronts. Queen Juliana entrusts her son, Nekron, to carry out the coordinated raids using the sub-human tribes to wipe out every outpost and ally of the Fire Realm. During one particularly heated battle, Prince Taro arrives with the Dragonhawk Knights to turn the tide and save the day.
Bill Willingham either recognized the long hiatus was too long, or maybe not, but the issue starts strong with a big battle to get your fantasy-loving blood pumping. The weight of this issue’s success rests on artist Leonardo Manco’s soldiers to bring Willingham’s script to life, and he doesn’t disappoint.
Prince Taro leads the Dargonhawk Knight back to their castle for refueling and wound-tending. There, Taro learns from Teegra that their mother left to rejoin her native tribe and join the fight. Elsewhere, the Queen holds her own in battle against sub-human attackers. Suddenly, Larn joins the fight when he recognizes the Queen as the woman who saved him from becoming a deadly hag’s sacrifice in the first issue.
The preceding sequence of events is helpful on multiple levels. When Taro learns about his mother’s departure, it distracts his focus and splits his purpose when returning to battle. When Larn joins the fight with the Queen, Willingham brings their respective threads together as continuing allies. In effect, Willingham creates drama and aligns characters.
Elsewhere, Prince Nekron responds to a report that his mother, Queen Juliana, was found wandering the halls in a delusional state. After she awakes, the Queen leads Nekron to a secret chamber where he shows her what blasphemous, magical project she’s been working on.
Overall, Fire and Ice #3 jumps back into the story with higher drama, cleaner focus, and plenty of action. The lengthy pause between issues may have tripped up this series’ chances of success, but Fire and Ice #3 is an entertaining read.
Artwork and Presentation:
Leonardo Manco’s art looks significantly more refined, detailed, and possessed of greater depth than the previous issue. Nothing can compare to Frank Frazetta’s art, but Manco gives the attempt a solid try and comes darn close. The lengthy pause may be bad for sales, but Manco made the most of the extra time.
Art Samples:

The Bigger Picture:
Series Continuity:
New readers picking up this series may rightly wonder where it fits in the timeline with the animated film from 1983. From what we can glean here, although it’s not explicitly stated, this story takes place after the events of the film.
Final Thoughts:
(Click this link 👇 to order this comic)
FIRE AND ICE #3 is a banger of classic fantasy action from start to finish. The ten-month hiatus between issues is a bummer, but Bill Willingham didn’t miss a step, and Leonardo Manco took full advantage of the extra time to craft a gorgeous-looking comic.
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