EXIT CITY #1, by Mad Cave Studios on 11/6/24, invites readers to visit Exit City, a technological haven built off the California coast where anything and everything goes, including murder.

- Writer: Mark London
- Artist: Karl Mostert
- Colorist: David Baron
- Letterer: Dave Sharpe
- Cover Artist: Karl Mostert (cover A)
- Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
- Release Date: November 6, 2024
- Comic Rating: Mature
- Cover Price: $4.99
- Page Count: 22
- Format: Single Issue

Analysis of EXIT CITY #1:
First Impressions:
Mad Cave’s CEO, CCO, and Writer Mark London expands his creative reach into broader genre titles with a cyberpunk-ish murder mystery involving corrupt cops, corrupt companies, and a corrupt government in a truly unique location. Fans of Blade Runner will find the similarities appealing, and readers with a taste for hardboiled detective stories may take a shine to this issue.
Plot Analysis:
Exit City #1 narrates the murder conspiracy in question from the perspective of one of the two leads, Detective Eve Miller. The narrator recently transferred to the Central section of Exit City, a floating city that looks like a massive collection of oil rigs. Exit City was built off the California coast by Proto-Technologists who wanted to create their own country-state after their attempt to help California secede from the United States failed.
Well, that’s quite the mouthful. If the concept of Exit City sounds too hard to get your arms around, Mark London smartly uses Miller’s narration within an organic context to lay out most of the particulars. The motivation behind Exit City’s founders doesn’t seem to rise much above “we don’t want the government telling us what to do,” but the explanation is good enough to get going.
The investigation begins when Det. Miller arrives at her new assignment in the Central District to meet her assigned partner, Detective McCormick. The detectives are immediately at odds, partly due to their incompatible personalities and partly due to their research on each other before meeting. Miller fits the definition of a dirty cop willing to lie, cheat, and steal to close a case. McCormick is, in a word, eccentric.
London wisely chooses not to have Miller and McCormick get along with each other for good reasons, creating a contentious relationship that’s rife with drama. McCormick is the seasoned veteran between the two, so he takes the lead, but it’s clear two strong personalities are in for some major head-butting.
McCormick receives a call from his chief to investigate an unusual occurrence that the department needs to keep quiet. When McCormick and Miller arrive on the scene, they find a wrecked car with two dead bodies inside. The vehicle appears to be partly mangled and partly crushed. Miller quickly learns the deaths were carried out by experts when it’s revealed all avenues of surveillance were blacked out before the deaths. Miller is surprised to see McCormick sussing out unusually incisive details about the crime scene while he talks to the inside of his jacket.
“Huh? What? The inside of his jacket? What’s that supposed to mean?” you might wonder. Fret not. Describing the situation in a review doesn’t do it justice, but it makes sense when you see it, and it makes even more sense when Miller finds out the background of a special gadget McCormick uses to help him do his job. It’s weird, but it makes sense.
The issue concludes with a confused cyborg making a bloody mess in a local bar.
Overall, Exit City #1 is certainly an original take on creating a not-so-future dystopia as the setting for an intriguing murder mystery. Mark London’s mystery setup and character development are top-notch, and the cliffhanger, which admittedly comes out of nowhere, will absolutely grab your attention.
Artwork and Presentation:
Exit City #1 is our first exposure to Karl Mostert’s work outside of DC, and the results look fantastic. Sadly, Mostert passed away on October 2, 2024, so it’s unclear how far he worked into the series, who will pick up the work after him, or if readers should expect a delay. Regardless of the effect Mostert’s passing has on the title, our sincere condolences go out to Mostert’s friends and family.
Art Samples:

Final Thoughts:
(Click this link 👇 to order this comic)
EXIT CITY #1 launches a cyberpunk tale of murder and corruption in the world’s most technologically advanced city. Mark London’s futuristic crime thriller successfully captures shades of Blade Runner and Alita: Battle Angel with a little less pop, and the late Karl Mostert’s art looks fantastic.
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