DEAD KINGDOM #4, from Red 5 Comics on January 11th, 2023, finds Kain and his handful of survivors accepting the end of the world but choosing to help anyway. Meanwhile, the dark figures behind the zombie plague begin the next phase of their plan.
The Details
- Written by: Etienne Derepentigny
- Art by: Etienne Derepentigny
- Colors by: Etienne Derepentigny
- Letters by: Jerome Gagnon
- Cover art by: Etienne Derepentigny
- Cover price: $3.99
- Release date: January 11, 2023
Is It Good?
DEAD KINGDOM #4 brings readers back to the present for a poignant issue about a group of survivors deciding their own fate, even in the face of insurmountable odds.
The strength of this issue, as with the series as a whole, is in the rich character work, particularly in their relationships. Etienne Derepentigny nails the spirit of people coming together in hope to face hopelessness, and while this isn’t a feel-good issue by any means, you get a group of survivors you can root for. That said, there’s a small, sneaking element of concern that’s worth noting. More on that in a minute.
The second bright spot in Derepentigny’s script is the chaotic panic coming through when a small group of soldiers tries (and fails) to defend a horde of zombies. Their screams of terror and pleas for mercy are unsettling. When Kain realizes the help those soldiers scream for will never come, the finality of the battle is gutwrenching.
That said, there is a point of concern in this issue. The hooded figures behind the zombie plague get a little more page time in this issue, and there appears to be a lot going on behind the scenes. With only one issue to go, there may not be enough time to explain who the hooded figures are or what they want and weave their story into Kain’s journey for a proper conclusion. In short, it’s hard to believe Derepentigny can complete the story with only a single issue remaining. Anything’s possible, so we’ll see.
Regardless of the concern, Derepentigny’s art style is phenomenal for portraying, equally well, the hollow eyes of the soulless dead and the pained look of grief on the survivors. A character’s eyes can convey so much about what they’re thinking or feeling in a given panel, and Derepentigny masterfully renders the characters’ eyes with the full spectrum of emotion.
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What’s It About?
[SPOILERS AHEAD – Click here if you just want the score without spoilers]
Check out our DEAD KINGDOM #3 review to find out how Kain got those scars.
We begin with Kain and his fellow survivors entering the town of Carcasy, looking for the refugees. The town is deserted except for a few straggling zombies and a teenager named Gibson, who appears to be surviving just fine with guile and speed. Gibson explains most of the zombies simply left, and the refugees may have moved on to the castle in Thylia.
When Kain and his allies arrive on the outskirts of Thylia, they find a massive herd of zombies approaching the refugee camps outside the castle. A meager band of soldiers stands fast to defend the refugees, but the act of bravery quickly turns into a slaughter.
We conclude the issue with stages of grief, a vow, and the sorcerer’s motivation coming into focus.
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Final Thoughts
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DEAD KINGDOM #4 paints a world on the brink of death as a handful of survivors band together and vow to keep going. The characters’ eyes speak as much as the dialog, and the cataclysmic swarms of zombies bring home the atmosphere of a world on the precipice. This is powerful storytelling, and a surprising amount is still waiting to be told.
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