BEWARE THE WITCH’S SHADOW: NIGHT FRIGHTS #1, from American Mythology on December 22nd, 2021, delivers three fearful fantasies with devilishly delicious outcomes when your vices go too far.
The Details
- Written By: S.A. Check, Alexander Banchitta,
- Art By: Horacio Domingues, Cyrus Mesarcia,
- Letters By: Natalie Jane
- Cover Art By: Puis Calzada
- Cover Price: $3.99
- Release Date: December 22, 2021
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Was It Good?
The over-arching theme in BEWARE THE WITCH’S SHADOW: NIGHT FRIGHTS #1 is vice and the supernatural consequences our purveyors of horror can visit upon those who choose not to use self-restraint. As with all of American Mythology’s horror anthologies, the shorts aren’t afraid to get spicy or gory. There’s nothing particularly gratuitous or so over-the-top as to turn your stomach, but this collection isn’t for the little kiddies.
The stories range from simple morality plays to urban legends with our lovely witch adding the connective tissue as narrator. Of all three stories, the Stagnant Waters and Swirling Passions takes the top score for absurdist humor. Looks to Die For gets honorable mention for the most unsettling ending. Make of that what you will, but we’ll cover each in all their sordid glory in the next section.
In all, this is an amusing horror anthology that explores the concept of letting your passions and bad habits get the better of you.
What’s It About?
[SPOILERS AHEAD – Click here if you just want the score without spoilers]
We begin with our favorite Witch host chauffeuring a newlywed couple who can’t keep their lusty desires in check until they get to their honeymoon destination. Unfortunately for them, our Witch has a different destination in mind for them to tie a different kind of knot.
Fear the Growlix
A foul-mouthed horror author is not a fan of people or public places, but his notoriety has risen due to his latest hit novel. A book about the Growlix, a beast who exacts punishment on people who curse too much. While the writer considers his work fiction, he’ll come to find the legend he based his latest success on is all too real.
Of the three stories, this one fits in the middle-of-the-pack spot in terms of thrills and wit. The premise seems disconnected from the monster in that the author curses a lot and has for a long time. Why does the monster appear now? What’s different? It’s a blank spot begging for an answer that never comes. Otherwise, the story centers around a neat concept.
Stagnant Waters & Swirling Passions
A young couple has an amorous picnic in the swamp. However, the boyfriend doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. When the situation is about to get out of control, the legendary Croc-o-man appears to exact jaw-snapping wrath. In a surprise twist, the young lady falls the monster as her hero, and that’s when the trouble starts.
This is the most bizarrely amusing of the three stories for its swampy legend motif, the sideshow huckster who delivers the story using every corny sales pitch known to humanity, and a different take on beauty slaying the savage beast that’s much too relatable for a married man.
Looks To Die For
A young lady and her guy friend go shopping for a Halloween costume. The young lady is overly critical and self-conscious about her appearance, but a surly hag shopkeep offers a sexy costume guaranteed to drive the boys wild. The costume works as advertised, but unfortunately, it works too well, and every male she encounters turns into a ravenous sex fiend.
Of the three, this story is the most unsettling, particularly the ending. Have no fear for your tender sensibilities as the story never crosses too far over the line of bad taste but the implication of the last panel will haunt your dreams, as a good horror story should.
Final Thoughts
BEWARE THE WITCH’S SHADOW: NIGHT FRIGHTS #1 is a sometimes amusing, sometimes unsettling collection of shorts exploring horrific consequences for individuals who have bad habits or bad behavior. Not all the stories are equally memorable, but they all have something to say, give you something interesting to read, and entertain you for a spell.
Score: 8/10
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